Sunday, 6 January 2008

Mujahadah an Nafs...

A few words of wisdom gained from my Shaykh last night regarding tasawuf (Spirituality) and tazkiyah (Spiritual cleansing):

Mujahida of the nafs (striving to control it) is not refusing yourself a cold drink on a summer’s day or sleeping on the floor when you have a bed available to you. Instead, mujahida is, for example when you force yourself to look down when a non-mahram is passing by, someone you shouldn’t be looking at.

Restraining your nafs from doing all the permissible things will eventually cause it to rebel against you in such a way that it overcomes you and forces you into haraam. Therefore treat you nafs like a child and force it when necessary but also reward it with the halal things that it enjoys.

On another note, we must be careful with overindulging in halal. This meaning that we should not go round looking for things that are halal and pleasurable to our nafs and then just keep doing it. The result of this will be that our nafs will eventually get bored of all these halal activities that it has overindulged in and then its only desire will be to experience haraam pleasure as that is all that will be left! Therefore we should ensure that we engage in maximum 75% of the halal things that we enjoy and in that way we will have at least a 25% barrier between us and haraam.

May Allah allow us to act upon these beautiful teachings and becoming perfect muslims. Ameen.


Verity said...

Wise words there. Mashaallah. May we all take heed.

Anonymous said...

How lucky u r 2 hv a Shaikh like to read more about 'mujahada an Nafs'bt dn no where to find dis stff. I gt Imam Gazzali's ehyaul ulumiddin though.dts about it.mke dua bro dat Allah giv us a way 2 read & implmnt dis mujada thngs.luv u fr da ske of Alla whoevr u r ..sis or bro.rmber us in ur duaa's.bye..