Alhumdulilah I’ve been given the opportunity to go on umrah and shall be leaving tomorrow morning for two weeks inshaAllah.
First to madina to see the Beloved of Allah for a week and then to Makka for umrah for a week inshaAllah.
So I’ll be leaving you for two weeks, fee amanillah (In the hands of Allah)
By the way, the pic is of a card my nephew made me:
It says, “Hope you have a nice journey. Pray for us and ask to keep us safe. I hope your going to be safe aswell.”
Inside it says, “To Uncle, can you please buy me something (NOT CLOTHES)”
On the back it says, “Please come back.”
Sweet, eh.
First to madina to see the Beloved of Allah for a week and then to Makka for umrah for a week inshaAllah.
So I’ll be leaving you for two weeks, fee amanillah (In the hands of Allah)
By the way, the pic is of a card my nephew made me:
It says, “Hope you have a nice journey. Pray for us and ask to keep us safe. I hope your going to be safe aswell.”
Inside it says, “To Uncle, can you please buy me something (NOT CLOTHES)”
On the back it says, “Please come back.”
Sweet, eh.
Indeed, sweet. Do take care, and our love to Rasulallah inshAllah. Fi' amanillah.
MarshaAllah, may Allah (swt) accept your umrah!!!!! AMEEN!!!
Aww thats soo sweet mashaAllah!
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